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Always Ask First! is an episode of Pinky Dinky Doo, which aired in 2016 on HBO Kids. The Great Big Fancy Word in this episode is "permission".


Pinky looks around for her purple cap, and sees it on Tyler's head who is sitting in the kitchen. Pinky tells Tyler that he should've asked permission before he could have taken the hat, but Tyler questions why he should even ask permission for borrowing things. This makes Pinky come up with another story.

It starts at school when Pinky's teacher assigns the class a homework assignment to write a paper beginning with "Everything I Can Find Out About...", with their unique fascination filling in the blank. Nicholas settles on static electricity Daffinee selects hairdos, and Pinky decides to write about her favorite animal, the gorilla. She goes to the library with Tyler and Mr. Guinea Pig after school and ask the librarian if there is a book all about gorillas. Mrs. Biblio shows them to a gorilla book but suddenly notices that the book right next to it, about how to make perfect pudding, is missing, most certainly taken without permission.

Pinky sees footprints on the floor which matches a gorilla's footprint in the book, so they follow them to Smackdab Park, where they find Mr. Big Berry's fruit stand. Pinky asks if he has seen who made the footprints but Big Berry doesn't know, although somebody has taken his bananas without asking him permission as well. The trio venture more in the park and find Nicholas and Bobby. Nicholas is jumping around with springs on his shoes and with a bowl on his hand, which suddenly gets swiped. Pinky borrows the springs and jumps high and notices a pink gorilla having a picnic in the tree. Pinky tells the gorilla that just because he likes stuff doesn't mean he can take it. They find the stolen stuff, and the others come up and begin to squabble at the gorilla for ruining their day, although the gorilla only snatched the stuff just to make banana pudding.

Pinky decides to think big. She informs the gorilla that his pudding is missing one thing, and that's friends. The gorilla asks the people if he can borrow the things he stole, and they all accept. He makes the pudding and when it's finished, Mr. Guinea Pig says it's still missing one thing, whipped cream. Bobby happens to have whipped cream and everyone cheerfully ate the banana pudding. Tyler gets permission from Pinky if he can keep wearing the hat, which is fine with her unless they can share it, so they stretch the hat and wear it together.


  • Eat It or Wear It
  • What Was My Big Idea?