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Pinky and the Duck is an episode of Pinky Dinky Doo, which aired on September 18, 2009. The Great Big Fancy Word in this episode is "doodle".


Tyler is saddened because of a doodle someone drew of his friend Jackson Small, and it is a literal picture of a small Jackson right next to a taller person. Pinky asks who drew it, and Tyler admits that he drew it himself. This gives Pinky a story idea about ducks. So Pinky, Tyler, and Mr. Guinea Pig head upstairs to the Story Box.

Pinky and her friends were going on a nature hunt, walking around the nature park with a checklist, and they had to check off what things they saw. They saw all kinds of things, and Pinky even met a hummingbird. Later, they had a picnic by the pond with their science teacher, Miss Duckfeet. Miss Duckfeet spots a duck in the pond and tells them that ducks have different types of feet. Nicholas begins chuckling, at "Duckfeet" and "duck feet", but Pinky thinks making fun of their teacher's name isn't so funny. She goes nearer to the pond starts daydreaming, and draws up a doodle of Miss Duckfeet with real duck feet.

However, while her back is turned, Miss Duckfeet takes her paper by mistake, believing it is her nature walk sheet. Pinky gets dismayed and dreams up about how she should get the doodle back: turn into Super Duper Doo and think of a plan to swipe the paper, but her steps get too confused, or she could get a Moo Moo Miggy Monster, but it claims it is on a "strict no-doodle diet." Duckfeet goes through the papers and discovers the doodle, and questions the students who drew it. Everyone remains silent, but Nicholas begins laughing, so Duckfeet informs him to see her when they get back to the classroom. Pinky didn't want Nicholas to get in trouble and she also didn't want Miss Duckfeet to be upset, admitting that she wasn't paying attention to what she was drawing.

So she has to think big and decided to tell Miss Duckfeet the truth. She does, and Duckfeet is just as glad as she is for telling her who really drew the doodle. She tells Pinky that the drawing actually reminded her of her cousin, Doris, who has actual duck feet and she wrote a book all about ducks. Miss Duckfeet requests Pinky to sign the drawing so she can keep it, and when they get back to class Duckfeet asks Pinky to draw a duck on the board for their next lesson, and that marks the end. Tyler decides to go apologize for drawing the doodle, and vows to never draw again. But Pinky tells him drawing is good, and shows him a notebook full of doodles. Tyler thinks that maybe he should show his doodles to Jackson too.


  • Great Big Fancy Word Game
  • Whats the Name of My Story?


  • This episode is strikingly similar to the Doug (another series created by Pinky Dinky Doo's creator, Jim Jinkins) episode "Doug's Doodle". In that episode, Doug draws a doodle of his own teacher, Mrs. Wingo, and it ends up getting turned in with other work, so he thinks of ways to get it back before she finds it. When she does find it, she blames another student for drawing it until Doug steps in and admits the truth. Mrs. Wingo actually likes it, and asks Doug to sign it too so she can put it in her notebook full of student-drawn doodles of herself.