Shrinky Pinky is an episode of Pinky Dinky Doo, which aired on April 27, 2006. The Great Big Fancy Word in this episode is "shrink".
Tyler is upset and tells Pinky that he had a bad day at school because, at lunch, Johnny Gelatinhead shoved in front of him in line. Tyler also proclaims that he's not too nice. This gives Pinky a story idea about Shrinky Pinky. So the trio goes to the Story Box.
The story starts at Pinky's school where it was a pretty normal beginning, until their teacher arrives and announces that a new student will be joining the class. The class starts chatting to each other and shares that she is coming from out of the state and Nicholas even says that she's from outer space making everybody believe that a green slimy alien will be the new student. However, it was just an ordinary girl named Lane Puppytray. She was friendly at first, but during lunchtime, she cuts in line and took Pinky's tray, letting Pinky take the blame for it and the lunch teacher sends her to the end of the line for no reason, this made Pinky really upset. During the next week, things got even worse. Lane broke her flower pen, ripped her homework, and squashed her new blue shoes.
When she got back home, she spoke to Mr. Guinea Pig about the situation and then got the idea that because he's so small, nobody picks on him. So Pinky decides to shrink just like him, so Lane won’t be able to her or pick on her. Remembering when Daddy washed Pinky's dress causing it to shrink, she jumps in the shower with her clothes on and then dries off with the hairdryer, causing her to get smaller and smaller. Pinky borrows Mr. Guinea Pig's exercise ball and rolls out to the streets and to Lane's house, where she is on her porch having ice cream. Pinky tries getting her attention, but she doesn't even notice one thing, making Pinky thrilled that her plan worked. She goes to Daffinee and Nicholas who are playing a game of Go Fish and tries to speak to them, but they can't see her either. Pinky admits this wasn't a good idea after all and goes to see Mr. Guinea Pig in his box, which is surprisingly a full-fledged living room. She tells her new problem with Mr. Guinea Pig, who is dressed in a robe and offers Pinky pink lemonade, so he thinks big to solve it.
Mr. Guinea Pig's big idea is that he tells Pinky that being guinea pig size doesn't work out for her, so she should just be her normal size. Pinky thinks so too and wonders how she will grow again, so Mr. Guinea Pig waters her with a watering can and she grows just back to normal size. After the story, Pinky learns to never let Lane disturb her again at school and Tyler learns the identical thing as well.
- Differences between the book and the episode:
- Tyler's nose was apparently punched in the book. Johnny Gelatinhead was also referred to as Johnny Gelona.
- The Story Box is absent, and Pinky just shuts her eyes, wiggles her eyes, and cranks her imagination.
- In the book, the story began in music class.
- Pinky states that Lane climbed Mount Hunky-Dory, explored Wooly Mammoth Caves, and even traveled to the sun. All of these tall tales were excluded in the episode.
- In the book, Pinky finds ways to shrink herself, and tries putting a heavy book on her head and then puts shoes on her knees, before settling with showering herself.
- Lane was seen reading a magazine in the book.
- In the book, Pinky goes straight to Mr. Guinea Pig's house after trying to get Lane's attention to address her bullying trouble.
- Mr. Guinea Pig enlarges Pinky by scanning her into a computer and enlarging her, and then printing her out.
- This is the only episode where Mr. Guinea Pig thinks big.