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Stinky Pinky Doo! is an episode of Pinky Dinky Doo, which aired on September 10, 2008. The Great Big Fancy Word in this episode is "mortified".


"Some of Pinky's friends make fun of her for having bad breath and Daffinee called her Stinky Pinky. When she has a chance to make fun of Daffinee in front of the school, Pinky learns to treat people the way she wants to be treated."


Tyler is in the bathroom, getting prepared to flush Johnny Gelatinhead's hat down the toilet, but Pinky stops him, stating that he can’t flush the cap down the toilet because he’ll get in trouble, stop up the toilet and then get in trouble, and he has to treat others the way that he wants to be treated. Tyler is mortified because Johnny called his space socks "stinky" in front of the entire class and everyone was looking at him. This gives Pinky a story idea about treating others the way you want to be treated. So the gang goes to the Story Box.

It all begins one morning when Daddy makes the family breakfast burritos containing garlic, onion, and eggs. After breakfast, they go to school and work like normally. When Pinky gets to school she says hi to Nicholas, making Nicholas smell her bad breath although he is unaware that it is her. She also greets Bobby who also smells her breath, although he believes that a skunk got into the school. Later on at the lunch table, Nicholas tells Bobby and Pinky jokes which makes Pinky laugh so hard that Daffinee also catches a whiff of her breath when she walks by. Eventually, her friends discover that the bad scents were Pinky's breath, and even she recognizes this which make her mortified. Bobby and Nicholas say that they have smelled worse, but Daffinee just began teasing her, calling her "Stinky Pinky". She and her classmates call her this throughout the day, making Pinky feel even more mortified.

Later that night, the family sits in the bathroom while Pinky and Daddy brush their teeth. Pinky tells how mortified she was, and so was Daddy, as he had to stroll around the office with his hand over his mouth all day, and Tyler and Mommy brushed their teeth a "gazillion" times. Pinky decides to just call Daffinee "Dumb Dumb Daffinee", but Daddy tells her that she doesn't like being called a mean name and so Daffinee wouldn't like that either. Pinky says that treating others the way they'd like to be treated is tough, but Daddy's sure that she will do the right thing, and then brings up another recipe of his: a family sandwich, which is a family hug. The next day, Pinky and her friends are playing a game of kickball in the baseball field, and Daffinee goes on to call her Stinky Pinky. Daffinee bends down to retrieve the ball, but her skirt rips by accident. Seizing the opportunity, Pinky considers making fun of Daffinee with nicknames like "Daffinee Rippy-Dress" or "Daffinee Hey, everybody, I ripped my skirt!" However, she remembers her father's advice from the night before to treat others with kindness.

Although, her third option is to think big, and her big idea is that she takes off her purple sweater and wraps it around Daffinee, so nobody can see her underwear. Daffinee apologizes to Pinky for calling her "Stinky Pinky", and the two become best friends. Tyler notes that he doesn't want Johnny flushing his socks down, so he decides on not to flush the hat down the lavatory and return the hat to school tomorrow, and he also says he'll have Mommy wash his socks in the washing machine as they are a bit stinky.



  • Differences between the book and the episode:
    • The book is titled Pinky Stinky Doo.
    • The book begins with Tyler trying to find his socks, and he does and they stink because he wears them every day due to the fact they are "lucky".
    • The Story Box is absent, and Pinky just shuts her eyes, wiggles her eyes, and cranks her imagination.
    • The burritos in the book were called "Veggie Wedgie Beanie Weenie Neato Breakfast Burritos".
    • In the book, the burrito made Pinky fart. As opposed to just Daffinee in the episode, all her classmates make fun of her.
    • The family gets together at the dinner table where Mommy serves salad and bread, even though nobody is hungry.
    • Daddy gives Pinky some choices on what to do to deal with her problem: move to Stinktopia and become the queen, trick Daffinee into going to school in a chicken suit, or treat others the way she would like to be treated.
    • Pinky thinks about what she should do to Daffinee's underpants after thinking big: put them up on a flagpole so everyone could see them, have a contest on who could come up with the best mean name for Daffinee, but then she chooses none of the above.
    • It is said in the book that Pinky and Daffinee continue to call each other by the funny names, although quietly when nobody is around.