The Argument is the 35th episode of the series George and Martha that aired on March 5, 2000. It's sister episode is Happy Palms' Finest.
Everyone is at a party in Oscar's backyard, dancing in a conga line and also playing limbo. Penny mentions that this party is just as best as the party she threw some time ago, which she says that Oscar wouldn't know because he wasn't invited. Wilde announces that the grub's on and asks to sample his jerk swordfish. Oscar tries some, which he considers salty. Wilde stops the music and is agitated, bringing up that Oscar can't even toast bread without burning it. Oscar says he'd rather have his burnt toast instead of salty swordfish.
After the party, George and Martha walk back home. Martha thinks the party was a disaster because of the argument between Oscar and Wilde. She is sure that first it could start with a fight, but then their whole friendship could end. She tells George to imagine if they had an argument, then the next day they wouldn't talk anymore, causing George to worry about no more scary movies or pepperoni pizza parties, and it also makes him decide to help Oscar and Wilde. At their book store, Oscar and Wilde refuse to talk to each other and only talk if either one apologizes. Martha tells George a plan on what to do.
George informs Oscar that Wilde would like to see him, claiming he feels bad about what happened and would like to apologize profusely, under the big oak tree at the park at 2 o'clock. Martha also tells Wilde the same thing. George and Martha hide behind a bush near the oak tree, ready to watch. They meet and neither of them is apologizing, as they expect the other person to apologize. They turn around and vow to never speak to each other again. Martha comes up with another plan and tells Wilde, who is cleaning up the party decorations, that Oscar climbed up a tree and can't get down. Wilde however, thinks she is just doing the "friend in need is a friend indeed" trick, so she admits as she thinks this silly argument has gone too far.
Meanwhile, George enters the book shop to tell Oscar that Wilde fell down a well. Oscar gets the phone to dial 911, but George tells him it's not needed as he claims the well is small. Oscar realizes that George is also setting him up. Both Oscar and Wilde tell George and Martha respectively the things they do that drive each other up the walls. Oscar and Wilde later fight over a book, which George and Martha see outside. George wishes that Wilde weren't so difficult, but Martha says that Oscar is the one difficult, and they begin forming an argument and walk off. Oscar and Wilde realize this is all their fault, so they do the "friend in need is a friend indeed" trick to both George and Martha and make them run to the oak tree after claiming both had an accident there. They apologize to each other and walk off, and so do Oscar and Wilde who go to buy a grilled cheese and pickle sandwich. Martha is glad that her plan worked, as she and George just pretended to be mad at each other to get Oscar and Wilde to work together again.
- After George says that Wilde fell down a well, he says "Lassie told me!". It's a joke from the TV series Lassie where a boy named Timmy falls down a well, which has since became an old pop culture joke.
- The official uploading of the episode (as well as its sister episode) on YouTube by Treehouse Official is actually The Roller Derby/The Spa.