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The Badminton Tournament is the 31st episode of the series George and Martha that aired on February 26, 2000. It's sister episode is The Caddy.


At the badmintion club, Martha says that it could be the year to win the club championships as George's game playing improved. They meet with Oscar and Wilde who play with them, under the sweltering sun. The birdie eventually falls (and so do Oscar and Wilde) and the hippos win. Oscar says they will do great as a team of best friends, which is something Wilde finds hard to believe as the two alligator friends had trouble communicating to each other.

George and Martha get some lemonade at the stand, but nobody is there, until Eton shows up. Suddenly, Cole Connors, a six-time badminton champion appears at the club. Cole walks up to George and mentions missing the thrill of competition after he retired, and says that he needs a partner to win the tournament this year. He also shows him a trophy in a showcase, which George likes. Martha says that he already has a partner, however.

George, Martha, Oscar, and Wilde sit at the table with lemonade, as Oscar says everyone around the club is talking about George's encounter with Cole Connors. Martha tries to discuss the game the four had today, but Oscar and Wilde are more intrigued in the Connors conversation. Eventually, Martha gets irritated and says he can just be Cole's partner, which he happily accepts. Oscar and Wilde go play with George and Cole. The former team scores a point, but Cole says that will be the last time, and he is true as he hits the birdie every time, until it falls, so Cole yells as it was out. They ask George who brings up a friendly game, but Cole tells him that "there's no friendship on the battle grounds". George guesses it was out.

They play once more, and Cole scores another point as Oscar and Wilde are beat and tired. The two walk off to get lemonade, but George can't go as Cole wants to practice serves with George. Meanwhile, Martha's partner is Frieda. She serves the birdie and it flies in Oscar's glass. George gets to the table tiredly, and Martha goes over with him. She tells him about how awful Frieda is playing and asks George if he would like to play, but George says he wants to go home and rest, as Cole booked a court for the two at 6am. Martha comes later at night to give George a new birdie for the tournament tomorrow, and sees George feeling glum. George remembers that he found badminton fun because he played with Martha, and wishes he could be her partner again. Martha also wishes the same thing, so they agree to be badminton partners once more. Cole wins the tournament with Frieda on his side, which George says is a perfect pair: a court hog and a pig. George says that he has a prize better than a trophy for his mantle, a friend like Martha.
