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The Big Splash is the 39th episode of the series George and Martha that aired on March 19, 2000. It's sister episode is My Stars!.


At the pool, the swimming coach announces the dive splash competition, which everyone shouts that they will win. The coach says that this is right, as this year they have George on their team, and nobody splashes better than him. He tells everyone to get to the board and Bud and Valerie dive first, then Anton and Duke, and then Martha with her Screaming Swan dive.

George goes last, and an ant on the board makes him trip down into the water. He belly flops which hurts his stomach. George doesn't want to go back up, but the coach wants him to do it again. Martha thinks he's had enough for the day and takes him home, which is fine with the coach even though the competition is tomorrow. Later, Martha comes into George's room, who is lying in bed with the blanket over himself. Martha thinks he's afraid which is fine, but George says he's not scared. The next morning comes, and Martha has a solution to his obvious high dive fear. She tells him to start small and leads him to a baby pool with a stool. George climbs up the stool, but he is still afraid. He tells Martha to go first if there is nothing to be afraid of, so she does and jumps into the water, deflating the pool.

For the next approach, Martha reads him a book as the problem is in his mind, whenever he's scared, imagine he's in his happy place. She tells George to close his eyes and picture somewhere, but he can only think about that high dive. Martha has him imagine herself, in a boat in the tropical sea. However, George gets in the way of a shark in his happy place, startling him. This actually works, as the diving board seems less scary than his happy place, and now he is ready.

The Diving Rhinos, and the other animals, are at the pool. The coach talks that even without George, they can still beat the rhinos, as Ivan takes George's place even though he's smaller than him. Luckily, George shows up anyway. He climbs up the dive, but now he's afraid. He tries to find his happy place, but he can't. Martha comes to his rescue and decides to dive for him, while her performance is great she doesn't submerge out of the water. George realizes she's in trouble, and after thinking about her in his happy place, he dives in the pool and splashes all the water out. Martha is fine after all, and George wins the competition for making the best dive. George tells Martha that she is his happy place.
