The Campout is the 28th episode of the series George and Martha that aired on February 19, 2000. It's sister episode is The Cold.
George and Martha eat outdoors in the backyard, with the squirrels walking all around. George says that he likes nature and reads in a camping magazine. Martha questions why he never took her camping, and he claims that she never asked him to do so, but if she did, he would say yes. Martha asks if they can go camping, which he agrees to do tomorrow.
The next day, Martha is excited. George comes to her house with a large hiking bag, so large he has trouble getting in the doorway. George crashes in her backyard, and says he's okay. He says they are in the wilderness, but Martha says the wildest thing in the backyard is the birdbath. While Martha looks in his bag, George walks around with a compass looking for true north, as a pitched tent should face true north. Martha tells him about North Main Street. She gets an inflatable raft, but George tells her to put it back. He proves that the other pullstring inflates it and shows it to her.
Next George puts up a tent, which Martha mentions they should read the instructions. George disagrees, and puts up the tent haphazardly. Martha thinks they should do it by the instructions, so then she gets to do it her way. By the time they're through it is night, so George creates a campfire by rubbing two sticks together although he fails as the other stick breaks, so they use the grill for a fire. Unfortunately, the squirrels have snatched all their food.
Luckily, Martha gets marshmallows, which they eat and then sing and dance around the campfire. After that, Martha says it's time for her favorite part of camping - ghost stories. She tells about a hornet who lived near, who lived all alone and nobody saw him because he went out at night only, because he had melting teeth, which Martha shows with the marshmallows in her mouth. George lays on his sleeping bag curled up and shaking. He hears a wolf, which Martha says it's just the great outdoors. The two look above at the night sky. They see a shooting star, but before they could make a wish a squirrel throws a can at George. Nevertheless, George and Martha both think they have all they could wish for right here.