The Fibber is the 51st episode of the series George and Martha that aired on May 1, 2000. It's sister episode is The Mascot.
George arrives at Martha's house, dressed up as a wilderness trooper. He says that he had volunteered to be a substitute troop leader for the day, and asks Martha to assist. Martha however, doesn't know anything about the wilderness, but George says that she can just bring the milk and cookies. While walking, Martha is amazed at how George used to be a troop, and questions if he knows all the wilderness lore such as knot tying and mountain climbing, but he says that there's more than just that, such as citizenship. He tries to help Martha across the street, but she tells him to wait for the light.
At the troop cabin, George recites to a group of students, who say that they did all of their things when they were younger. One asks for milk and cookies, but George tells them later and shows them his tie that he didn't need to knot. Though, one raccoon states all of them wear clip on ties. One asks the bravest thing George had ever did. He says that "many moments come to mind", but brings up when he wrestled two alligators bare-handed. George tells the story, while we get a flashback on what actually happened. He exaggerates that the alligator sprung from above, when in reality, Oscar fell from a ladder and landed on George's head when he entered the bookstore. And the second alligator, Wilde came "from nowhere", but George seduced the beasts (though, they both ended up falling after George seemingly tripped them) and claim they never bothered them again.
The children are wowed, but not Martha who can clearly see behind him. George tries to get them some milk and cookies, but they want to hear more stories. George starts up when he jumped higher than any hippo could, when a lion (actually Ivan, a kitten) got stuck up a tree, and two wild hyenas (which are Bud and Valerie who are anything but wild) were right there. George "jumps high" and saves Ivan, and claiming that he tamed the lion and foced the hyenas to adopt him. They are then dismissed, and one young hippo named Lennard mentions how nice it was to meet George. When they leave, Martha is mad at how he told lies to the students, but George more prefers the word "fib". Lennard ends up following them, which he doesn't admit at first but then does so. He is amazed at how George lives right in Happy Palms, then runs off to tell his parents. Martha isn't thinking this is a good idea, but George thinks otherwise.
The two have a picnic in the park, but Lennard appears right in front of them, and helps set up. He asks a question, and that why he likes hanging out with a girl if he's a hero. George answers that even girls can appreciate heroes. Martha tells George to tell Lennard, which he thinks is another story, so George starts another tall tale about how he saved a family of elephants. Throughout the day, Lennard stalks them and takes pictures. George and Martha look at the pictures, but Martha says that Lennard only likes him for the wrong reasons, and he'll definitely like George if he tells him the truth. In fact, she had invited Lennard over, and sure enough he shows up. George tries to tell him, but Martha tells George to tell him the "snake charming" story. He does so, when Martha comes into the room and asks George for a cookie. Though, the jar opens up and a snake springs out, scaring George so bad he jumps onto a chandelier. George later says that they were all just fibs, but Lennard states he already knew that, and says that George is his hero for making up such stories. Martha says that being confronted wasn't so bad after all, in fact, she comments that he can say that "he jumped higher than any hippo ever has" after seeing that snake, which is no exaggeration.