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The Flying Donut is the 37th episode of the series George and Martha that aired on March 12 2000. It's sister episode is Martha's Cousin.


Martha and George look at a movie poster for "Saucers Over Hollywood" which opens tomorrow. George finds it ridiculous, but Martha says that silly movies are what's fun about them. They go into a donut shop and Martha discusses how she wishes aliens were real and could tell the biggest secrets of the universe. George decides to go with Martha to the movie, even if he'll be laughing all the way through.

That night when George sleeps, a flying saucer flies by which he thinks is a donut. The saucer beams a light at George which frightens him, but he tells himself it's a bad dream. Suddenly, aliens come and want his donuts that he took home. George refuses to give them some, but one of the aliens take one with it's long tongue, so George lets the other three take his donuts too. They hover back to their saucer in the air and George gets picked up too, but he says he can't leave the galaxy, so they drop him outside. George tells Martha this the next morning, but she is sure that he ate the donuts and just had a nightmare, and he sleepwalked out in his front lawn. George then shows his donut marks from the aliens on his belly, but Martha also thinks that he just rolled on powdered sugar donuts in his sleep. Penny overhears this and laughs at George.

She calls Oscar and Wilde about how the aliens ate a dozen of his donuts. Oscar and Wilde are amazed by this and tell Bud and Valerie, who also have a laugh at this seemingly-absurd story. George and Martha walk to the donut shop where a large donut sign is being placed on top of the building. Martha is sure that he saw the sign and just dreamt the rest, which George guesses happened. They walk past Duke and Anton who laughs at the story, which had been muddled up as it made it's way around Happy Palms. Duke says that "the nut" said that there were 100 aliens coming to Earth to eat everyone for breakfast. George says that this isn't what he said, and corrects it. Soon all George's friends come and laugh, especially after George appears on the front page of the paper. George and Martha bet Penny told everybody, then walk home.

Though, they are met by a TV crew. A reporter asks George the story, which he says that this was all just a dream caused by a sign, though she thinks that he meant, that there was a sign that the end is near. Martha tries to explain it was just a dream, and the reporter also thinks that she said that the aliens can enter their dreams and control their minds. George and Martha watch the broadcast at home and Martha is outraged at now they think that she's also crazy, but she has a plan and dresses her and George up as aliens. All of their friends arrive at the drive-in theater, still laughing at the alien mishap. The movie starts, but it automatically stops. A flying donut appears with George and Martha in their costumes, saying that they want donuts or else they'll eat everyone for breakfast, causing everybody in the theater to drive out. The next morning, the two sit at the donut shop. Martha reads the paper saying that they were right all along about the "alien invasion". She thinks that maybe they should tell them what happened, but George insists after they eat their box of donuts.
