The Mascot is the 52nd and final episode of the series George and Martha that aired on May 1, 2000. It's sister episode is The Fibber.
George and Martha arrive at the ice cream shop. George can't decide what flavor he wants, when suddenly, the ice cream worker asks a cow customer named Darlene if she would like to be the new mascot for Dairy Delicious Ice Cream, as the old one got put out for pasture. Not only will she be the face of the store, but she also gets a lifetime supply of ice cream. She would be delighted to, so the worker gives her an application and tells her to be at the auditions Saturday. George and Martha want to take part, but the bear tells them both they can't, as they aren't cows. Nevertheless, they order their ice cream cones. Martha throws a dollar bill on the ground and tells George to get it, so he does and she takes an audition form. George ends up doing the same thing, and takes one as well when Martha gets the bill he dropped.
At the audition, Martha arrives backstage at the audition, dressed up as a cow. George is also there, and they are both shocked. However, they both marvel at their looks and wish each other good luck. Eton claps at Darlene's performance, and next is "Mabel", Martha's cow nickname. She sings a song that she wrote and both Eton and the bear like it. Next is "Gertrude", or George, and he does the Mexican Hat Dance, until he falls.
Finally, it is time they announce the two finalists, Darlene, and Mabel/Martha. George congratulates Martha, and while Martha feels sorrow for George not winning, she still agrees to share her lifetime supply of ice cream with him. George comments he would've done the same. Later, George offers her his frozen vegetables, as he's cleaning out his freezer for the big supply of ice cream. Martha rejects it, and wants to keep practicing anyway. George cheers her on. Later that night, Martha still sings, until she gets tired.
The next morning, George brings Martha the breakfast of the champions, ice cream. Though, she develops laryngitis because she practiced too much, and she'll have to drop out of the audition because her voice is too raspy. George wants her to still sing, but the note she sings is too bad. Though, George has a plan, and the two dress up as a two-person cow costume while George agrees to do the singing. The two get onstage after Darlene, and Eton mentions how big Mabel had gotten since yesterday. The two dance around while George does the singing, and the judges don't expect a thing. George suddenly does the Mexican Hat Dance, when suddenly the costume rips. Darlene end up becoming the mascot of Dairy Delicious, while George and Martha eat and watch her appearance on TV.