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The Roller Derby is the 33rd episode of the series George and Martha that aired on February 27, 2000. It's sister episode is The Spa.


Martha and George are excited to see Hal on Wheels at The Roller Derby. An octopus vendor offers some snack food and drink, which George and Martha take all. The anteater host announces the start of the event and introduces a karate panda who comes out, who gets booed greatly. Then comes Tex an armadillo, who also gets booed. Finally, there is Howl on Wheels, a tiger.

The race begins and the three skate. Tex bites Hal's tail, and Karate Kang punches him over. There is more violence with the three, when Tex lands right into one of the audience member's popcorn. It is now a race with just Howl and Kang. Kang gets a hold of Hal's tail, when Hal begins spinning around him until he lands right into the audience, making Howl the winner.

At the roller skate rink, Oscar is scared that he can't skate, but he gives it a try and is happy. George skates while pretending to be a race announcer, and announces his victory. Martha tells him to be more careful as he could've knocked everyone over, but George says it's all apart of the sport. The rink closes in three minutes. George asks who wants to race, and Wilde is ecstatic, so is Oscar. George asks "Molasses Martha" so she agrees to so, but she warns George because of how good she's supposedly is.

The four skate around, and just like The Roller Derby, there is pushing and shoving going on, that also affects the skaters in the rink, mainly coming from both George and Martha. They bump into each other with their big bellies, and eventually they crash in the rink's fence. Oscar ends up winning, while George and Martha rest at home, angry at each other. They keep calling and both hang up, until George comes to her house. They sit at and laugh about how they both got carried away with their roller skating. The doorbell rings and Martha says that she'd thought that George would enjoy sharing a pizza, delivered by the monkey in the roller skating rink that went through George's horseplay. He runs away when he sees George at the door.
