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The Sleepwalker is the 44th episode of the series George and Martha that aired on April 8, 2000. It's sister episode is The Best Friends Show.


Martha tells George, who can't stop tap dancing, to hurry up as she's hungry after practicing for the talent show. Oscar and Wilde are shocked that George will dance at the talent show, and say it is the gutsiest thing he's done, particularly that there's a big audience. But George mentions there's an Irish dancer waiting for him to come out, and wants to do dance to The Lord of the Hippos.

George and Martha find Bud and Valerie in their yard. Bud is attempting to do a juggling act at the talent show, and juggle Ivan, a chainsaw, and a pie. Martha tells him that she'll play the saxophone while George does his tap dance, but falls. He continues to dance later that night, and Martha sees him in his room from her window, wishing that if he doesn't get his act right, he'll be the laughing stock of the town.

While George sleeps, he hears glass breaking and a vacuum, and thinks a burglar broke into his house. He quickly runs and find it is just Martha. Martha dusts George off, completely dazed and sleepwalking. George tries to talk to her, but she is still moving. George walks her back home and into her bed. He has trouble getting his duster back but gives up, then settles on her couch. In the morning, Martha asks why is he on the couch and he says that she was sleepwalking. Martha doesn't believe it and asks why didn't he just wake her up. George states that you should never wake a sleepwalker up. Martha still believes it was just his imagination.

Martha practices her saxophone, while George still tap dances his dance. That night, Martha listens to her pals in her sleep, and gets up from bed again. George runs after Martha seeing her sleepwalking again. She dodges the manhole and a truck dumping garbage, but George doesn't however. Finally, she gets to a dock but she turns right around, and George ends up falling in the water instead of her. Martha goes right back into bed, and so does George. George is exhausted and falls asleep right on her lawn. The next morning Martha cannot wake George up, no matter what she does. Though, she goes to the talent show without him. After Bud and Valerie's act, Oscar and Wilde announces it is George's turn, but Martha whispers that he is not here. However, George shows up anyway and does The Lord of the Hippos dance. George suddenly realizes, he did the dance while he was sleepwalking. Later, Martha reads to him the causes of sleepwalking, and says that she should've had more faith in him, although he says that there was always an Irish dancer inside him.


  • Before George falls outside Bud and Valerie's house, he says he's "magically delicious", a reference to the tagline of Lucky Charms cereal (and the mascot, Lucky the Leprechaun).