The Snoop is the third episode of the series George and Martha that aired on April 2, 1999. It's sister episode is A Day at the Beach.
Penny the pink flamingo is out in her yard, watering her plants although using her binoculars to snoop around the neighborhood. She eyes Bud and Valerie, and Anton in his house who falls while dancing, and also tries to peek at Duke but he just closes his curtains. Penny sees George at Martha's house, who is looking in her window begging to come in but she's not answering. This makes Penny dial the neighborhood patrol, claiming there is a maniac snooping in people's houses. George meanwhile, finds Martha in her bathtub, resulting in Martha to throw the tub on him outside.
After dressing up Martha reminds George that while they may be friends, even friends need privacy. The Happy Palms Security then arrives, and a dog and a wallaby tell George and Martha about the reported problem, which the two aren't aware about. They tell them that nevertheless, they'll catch the snoop as the town doesn't tolerate with "weirdos", and drive off. Later Martha sits on her stoop outside and writes in her journal, catching the attention of Penny. Martha isn't willing to share her journal, as it contains secret stuff about George. She uses a trick and tells Penny that Valerie has a new hairdo, which makes Penny look away giving the chance for Martha to run off. George also meets Penny, who tells him the written secrets of Martha.
Martha sits on the swing writing in peace, when she sees George swinging right next to her. Martha thinks he is trying to get a glimpse at the diary, but he lies that he's not, then she walks off. Next she sits under a tree, but a squirrel falling gets her alarmed again, and then finding George in the tree. Martha sits on the park bench with an ice cream cone, which she throws away after a fly gets on it, this time George comes out of the trash can. Martha calls George an "incorrigible snoop". George walks past Penny's yard angrily, wondering why friends have to keep secrets from each other. Penny stirs that the secret must be pretty awful. She tells Martha, who is in her own yard, that George said she's not a pretty good friend.
George goes to her house regarding the "awful secrets" he has heard about that he can't read, Martha also says that she wouldn't let someone who called her a "bad friend" read them anyway. They both realize that neither of them said either of those things, and blame this whole situation on Penny, the real snoop. Martha knows how to get her back. All their friends arrive one by one at Martha's house, with balloons and such, and it starts to get loud. Penny doesn't seem to know what is going on, so she tries looking through one of the dark windows and eventually pulls one up, making everyone shout "SURPRISE!" shocking Penny. The patrollers have caught their snooper, so they attempt to handcuff her but Penny is swift enough to have the wallaby handcuffed to the faucet outside. She asks the dog if he has any idea what is going on in the house, but he says it's none of their business. He asks Martha if she would like to press charges, but George states she had learned her lesson already, and invites her to join their pool party inside Martha's bathtub.