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The Tease is the 46th episode of the series George and Martha that aired on April 15, 2000. It's sister episode is Funny Business.


Martha runs along to the bus stop in her bathing suit, mentioning how George is late. Sure that he'll be there any second now, she waits and waits. She soon falls asleep but is woken up by Bud and Valerie. Martha leaves to go find what is keeping George, and walks away when the bus comes. It picks up Bud and Valerie, leaving their cat friend Ivan behind as he has to carry all their stuff to the beach.

Martha runs to his house to see what is wrong, and finds him knitting. She reminds him about going to the beach, but he apologizes because he got carried away with his new hobby. Martha starts laughing, as he looks like an old lady by knitting, though she says that she was just teasing. George says knitting is a good hobby and she should try it, but Martha refuses. However, she is roped into doing it. George shows her how to do it, but she has trouble and eventually breaks the needles. George gives her new ones and tells her to not do it fast, though she can be fast when she gets the hang of it. Martha does do it fast, and ends up knitting herself in thread. She gives up, and tells George that they're going to the beach. She trips, and George teases her with "a trip to the beach".

At the beach, Martha teases George that the last one in the water is a rotten egg, though George says that the first one has to eat it. George continues to knit, when Martha tells him to give her a hand and help her out of the sand as she buried herself, but George says he needs both to knit. Martha asks if he'll sit there all day, and George answers that if it gets too hot, he'll move someplace else. Martha teases him about knitting a beach umbrella, and calls him Mr. Nimblefingers. George teases her and calls her Miss Needleknocker. She then tells George to go surfing after seeing Bud and Valerie doing so, and asks if he is scared as surfing is a dangerous sport, though she's just teasing. George thinks this teasing is getting old, but Martha says he's just sensitive. Martha says that she can take a joke, after George calls her "thick-headed" after she called him "thin-skin".

Later, George says Martha's garden is pretty good, though he teases her saying that it would be good if he liked weeds. Then, Martha teases George mentioning that her grandma called for a playdate. When she gets a pie out of the oven, George teases her back saying the fire department called, questioning who was burning old sneakers. George sits at the bus stop knitting some more, when Bud and Valerie come off asking what he is making. Martha replies with, "A fool of himself". George responds back insulting Martha's hat, saying that she is a clown and the circus is in town. They walk off and are angry at each other. They agree to stop this teasing and apologize. George shows Martha the thing he was knitting which is a skirt that is complete. He tells her that after all that teasing, he won't give it to her, but that too is a tease.
